Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Answers to SEAL Secrets

Guest Blogger: Tom Rancich

Questions from Debbie in IL:
1. What was the worst thing about being a SEAL?

Leaving---retiring and knowing that I would never work on something that important or with people that good ever again.

2. Would you encourage your kids to try to become SEALs or to enter the Navy, if they showed interest?

Yes, but neither have so far.

3. Was it hard to transition from the Teams mentality to civilian life (individual goals),when you retired?

Yes—extremely hard and I was pretty depressed for a long time—might still be :)! There is not nearly the level of trust honor or commitment---or I have not yet found it---in the civilian community as I had grown to take for granted in the teams.

Questions and Comments from Barbie:
1. What are your secrets?

Well now—they wouldn’t be secrets if I told people, would they? I don’t know that it is a secret, but I am a flawed person—and that knowledge helps me navigate life.

2. (comment) I am sorry for being an asshole to you on your other post.

You were? Huh! No worries :)

3. Which board was Nancy in NC introduced to it on?


Questions from Lisa:
1. What has been the best (your favorite) question you were ever asked about being a SEAL ? Why ?

Wow, you’re a SEAL, can I buy you a drink? I think we know why! Probably what was it like to lead men in combat---which is a great way for me to explain what a great honor it was to have men of that caliber willing to follow me!

2. What one thing would you like everybody to know that you've learned ?


3. You've done a lot of exercise in your life, what's your most favorite ?

Twelve count body builder. Why? It flat out kicks yer butt in very short order!

4. What have you learned from others asking you questions?

How to tap dance! Mostly I have learned that I was very lucky to have the breadth of experiences in my life—and survived them—to make people interested in asking me questions!

5. Your Company, Alden's company they both have a higher purpose along with being an economic endeavor how did that come about?

Well, making money just isn’t that interesting. Keep in mind I suffer from lost traumatic stress syndrome---pretty hard for me to get really excited about stuff. So going out and making money just isn’t a “whoopee factor” for me. And, not trying to be a braggart, I am used to thinking at a more strategic level—so I need to know the purpose first---and then I can hopefully figure out how to get there! I guess it really comes down to believing that a higher purpose is important to an energetic effort.


Through his consulting firm, Off-Shore Consulting, Tom provides professional advice on leadership and team building, often as a motivational speaker, in addition to being an expert consultant to the entertainment industry. The YouTube clip shows some recent work for a production company.

Alden Mills and Tom Rancich served together in the Teams. Longtime “on-line” coach for Team Perfect, Tom blogs monthly on Charlie Mike.


DebbieKinIL said...

Thanks Tom for the answers.

And here is a question for Alden.

Would you post a "Tom" story? :)

Lisa A said...


You Tap dancing? Now that is something I'd buy you a drink to see LOL What's a Twelve count body builder? Thanks! I appreciate your answers, and look forward to reading your answers to the remaining questions.

Anonymous said...

"1. What was the worst thing about being a SEAL?

Leaving---retiring and knowing that I would never work on something that important or with people that good ever again."

You might not have my family to work with, but you have Alden Mills. He's one of the best in the world. Don't you still work with him?

John said...

Out of the email sent out the other day there was the following questiona and answer. "3. You've done a lot of exercise in your life, what's your most favorite ?

Twelve count body builder. Why? It flat out kicks yer butt in very short order!"

My question is What is the tweleve count body builder. I was in the military year ago and do not remember that one.
Thanks, John

Tom said...

The Twelve count is the eight count body builders big brother
starting from a standing position
2-thrust legs out
3-down pushup
4-up pushup
5-spread legs wide
6-down pushup
7-up pushup
8-bring legs together
9-down pushup
10-up pushup
11-draw legs forward into a squat
R E P E A T!!!!!

and yes Barbie, you make a good point, I do work with good people, and I do work with smart people on important things----but it still does not compare to the honesty and camaraderie of combat

John said...

I think i have done those before. Boot camp I believe, thanks.

I was in the Army three years, Desert Storm, and I have been in the civillian side since 92 and I can not find the honesty and camaraderie of combat out here. It makes me want to go back and I am trying to get back into the National guard for at least a little of it.

Anonymous said...

What do they do with dummies
(like Wesley Clark who ran for president) in the military?

The civilian world can't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

John, thank you for your heroism.